Who am I? I am not a health professional, I am a two time breast cancer survivor. My experience when dealing with my diagnosis the second time around may be different to others. Second Diagnosis When I was diagnosed for… Continue Reading →
Desperation Wins Over Fear Today I am sharing my story from way back when one of my three awful paid jobs involved selling vacuum cleaners. First off all those years ago I had never tried to sell anything in my… Continue Reading →
Am I a Workaholic? The answer is yes, but I am careful to take time for me, and to eat properly, get moderate exercise, stuff like that. Part of being a workaholic, for me, is the fact I love my… Continue Reading →
When you walk into a room, whether you are at a networking event, meeting a client, or being interviewed for a new position, first impressions count. When you smile people look at you in a different way, but if you… Continue Reading →
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