Subscribing to receive emails
Have you subscribed to receive emails from various organizations, I know I have. One such example is LAURA, a Canadian business. They sell clothes and I love to shop at this store. Having the opportunity to shop online has been wonderful. But my first choice is always to go into the store to try on stuff and discover if something looks good on me. Not being able to go out, and all the stores closed during the #covid19 pandemic this store has consistently emailed me. By subscribing I gave my permission for the emails, which I could unsubscribe to at any time.
The emails from this store kept me interested in new fashions, sales etc. This business was doing their best to retain loyal customers, and of course gain new ones. The pandemic was not a time to give up, but stay focussed and showcase their brand.

Staying in Touch
What stands out to me is how these businesses have done an excellent job staying in touch with their target market during #Covid19.
The purpose of sending emails with tips, ideas, special offers, events, to name a few, is to stay current and be memorable to your target market.
Those businesses that gave up on staying in touch with their clients, target market, connections have disappeared into oblivion, never to be seen again.
Whether you are working from home, or not being able to conduct your normal business operations during the pandemic, makes no difference. If you want to continue to operate, be successful, be sustainable, this “quiet” time as some call it has been and still is valuable to your business growth!
As an avid supporter of buying local, one of my favourite small businesses is a local gym, Elite Training Facility,

This business has consistently stayed in the limelight, thus ensuring their business, their brand, their products and services are seen. I love the emails I subscribed to from this business because they offer so many free tips on keeping fit. During the pandemic keeping fit at home was essential in order to return to our normal routine, at some point. This company shared videos on Facebook to help everyone.
Being Seen to be Seen
#Covid19 has not been a time to act as if we are on vacation. It’s not been the time to sleep in late and forget to turn on our computers. Well, maybe for the first few weeks so we could get over the shock and come to terms with the new normal. The time working from home, as a small business, has been the time to focus on our strategy, our brand, our connections, in order to stay in business.
Brands need to be continually in the forefront of their target market, connections, sponsors. Maintaining visibility purely means your brand stays memorable and actually in the game of selling. Everyone is in sales, we all need revenue to survive.
Another business I receive emails from is Vidyard. Another local business who took the time during #Covid19 to take advantage of people working from home. Their tips included how videos are a great way to share your products and services. They also share tips on the many other benefits of using videos to stay connected with clients and collaborate with colleagues when working remotely.

I am Still in Business
Due to my previous experience with the many online resources, I have managed to continue to provide services for my clients during the pandemic. One of the ways I continued to do this was by sharing informational videos on YouTube. I also shared my regular podcast show, Motivational Moments during #Covid19, with topics more related to the current pandemic.
If you have been receiving emails you subscribed to during the pandemic take from them what you found useful. You can transfer some of the ideas, such as a special price offer, or some tips, via the emails your clients and others subscribe to.
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