Linda Ockwell-Jenner

Author Linda Ockwell-Jenner

Who Are You?

Why You? We all receive the same messages online, and we all get asked the same questions face to face. Please connect with me Please buy my products/services In essence we all want others to do something for us; to… Continue Reading →

Coping After a Double Mastectomy

Who am I? I am not a health professional, I am a two time breast cancer survivor. My experience when dealing with my diagnosis the second time around may be different to others. Second Diagnosis When I was diagnosed for… Continue Reading →

Keeping Up With New Business Trends

Your Business You are at the point in your business where growth is continuing, your clients are referring you so you sit back and watch the world pass by. If this is true you will not continue to grow your… Continue Reading →

What is Your Brand?

Your Brand The first step is to know what your brand represents. Below are a few ideas to get you thinking: Company culture Price Value Customer service Credibility Trust Products/Service The above list are some of the most popular, and… Continue Reading →

Do You Own a Brand New Small Business?

Owning and Operating a Brand New Business Hello and thanks for reading my newest blog post. I will apologize up front if you think that I will be sharing how wonderful, simple, and easy it is starting, and building a… Continue Reading →

My Brand Travels With Me

Brand Awareness Versus Brand Engagement Dave and myself had a conversation about brand awareness and brand engagement recently and we both believe that the two go together. Without being aware of a brand, how can you engage with that brand?… Continue Reading →

Forgiving The Past

The Past is The Past Our past is a precious gift, without it we would not be here today. But, if like me you have painful memories, its difficult not to try to shed yourself of those memories and pretend… Continue Reading →

My Life After Breast Cancer

Before Breast Cancer I had never given a thought to Breast Cancer in the sense I might succumb to it. My favourite Aunty Amy was diagnosed with Breast Cancer when I was 21 years old, and I remember lots of… Continue Reading →

Panic Attacks & Anxiety

Anxiety ‘Anxiety disorders are a group of mental disorders characterized by significant feelings of anxiety and fear. Anxiety is a worry about future events and fear is a reaction to current events. These feelings may cause physical symptoms, such as a fast heart rate and… Continue Reading →

Set Your Brand Goals

A Short Video Clip Check out my short video clip where I share a few tips on how I set my own brand goals. Building my Brand Was a Work in Progress As a complete unknown, never owning a business… Continue Reading →

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