Linda Ockwell-Jenner

Author Linda Ockwell-Jenner

8 Motivational Steps to Work From Home During Covid-19

Ensure you have a dedicated space to work so that you are not disturbed and can concentrate on the work in hand. Set a regular routine. This will enable you to get your tasks completed. Take a break mid-morning. Enjoy… Continue Reading →

Parents Doing Their Best

The photo I am sharing is one of my four children when they were much younger. It’s bad quality but I am sharing it because it fits in with my topic. My three sons were helping their sister open her… Continue Reading →

Conversation With Christopher Ahlberg – CEO Recorded Future

I was introduced to Christopher Ahlberg by my husband, and business partner Dave. More recently I invited Christopher to have a conversation with me via my Conversations Video Series and he very kindly agreed. My interest in Recorded Future stems… Continue Reading →

In Conversation with Tony DaSilva Cucci Cabello

I love The Small Business Show, which I created and co-host. My conversation with Tony, who has been my mentor, friend and takes care of my hair for many years was amazing on the show. The Small Business Show is… Continue Reading →

The Small Business Show

Becoming a Motivational Speaker I began my life as a business owner by becoming a motivational speaker. Having no business or corporate background I was a complete newbie. The year was 2000, and I began my speaking career at the… Continue Reading →

Building Your Brand

Brand Elements Your brand image will be judged, and people will make their own minds up about whether you are a brand they want to work with and be loyal to, or not. In the first few months of your… Continue Reading →

Why You Need a Strategy For Everything Business

Me When I entered the world of business 18 years ago by becoming a small business owner I had no prior experience, no money to invest in my business, and I had never worked in the corporate world. My decision… Continue Reading →

One-Hour Complimentary Business Consulting

Attracting Clients I am always happy to offer a one-hour complimentary business consulting session. When I decided to become a business owner 19 years ago I had no idea how to approach building the foundations for my future success. I… Continue Reading →

Patience is a Virtue

Sharing News One of the biggest challenges people have in business is patience. Obviously I know how exciting it is to announce a new brand, a new product or service, or an event. But if you gain momentum when sharing… Continue Reading →

So You Want Your Own TV Show?

Overnight Success People tend to look at successful businesses and think they were an overnight success. But, the reality is, only a very small percentage of businesses have a fast rise to the top. You probably know that old saying… Continue Reading →

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