Linda Ockwell-Jenner

Author Linda Ockwell-Jenner

How to Write Your Own Book & Why

Have you ever thought about writing your own book and using it as a marketing tool? When I wrote my first book, A Life Like Mine, it was because as a little known professional speaker I knew I needed more… Continue Reading →

How to Use Less Post-It Notes on Your Office Wall

Are you organized to the point where you know where everything is and remember every task that has to be done? If you are nodding and saying ‘yes’ then I applaud you because I am the same! But, and there… Continue Reading →

How to Chase up The Sale

I am not suggesting you make a sale by literally running after your prospect, that would not look good. How to chase up the sale is a very simple strategy that has worked for me and I want to share… Continue Reading →

Offer a Solution, Not a Sales Pitch

I know this sounds very much like a cliche` and one that most people say these days, but it’s true, without a doubt. Offer a solution to your would be clients problem, and when your client is ready to buy,… Continue Reading →

Feeling Like a Fish Out of Water

I worked very hard and still do at building relationships of trust, and this is because it’s not very comfortable feeling alone, at any time, but less so when you are in business. Being the new girl on the block… Continue Reading →

Not Just Your Success

In my early days of building Motivational Steps there was no social media. I relied on my own resilience to find online newsletters, so that I could add content. I wrote letters to the newspaper. I wrote articles for online… Continue Reading →

Fear Not Your Competitors

Competitors are something you are going to have to get used to. They multiply, they surround you and you start to run away and then stop…why are you running? You started your own business because you were passionate about your… Continue Reading →

Good Listeners

I love sharing simple and effective tips that can assist you in everything you do in life, but especially in business. Are you a good listener? Or, do you want to jump in before the other person has finished speaking… Continue Reading →

Out of Date Business Cards

When you first start your business you will probably want to order 1,000 business cards. My tip is to order less, even if you have a fantastic offer to print more for less money it can be a big mistake…. Continue Reading →

The Barter System

I remember when I first started my business way back in 2001 and I felt overwhelmed. Feeling insecure and not sure of all the information I needed to move forward I decided to turn to the people I had become… Continue Reading →

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